Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Energy 4/24/12

Alright after the day of fat burner went back to energy. Don't see it as a step back energy is a bomb ass workout. Skipped a day and now bout to hit it hard everyday. Anyone who reads this I am open to hearing how u decide what workout ur doing for the day. I'd like to know how u plan ur workouts so that you get the most out of them.  I don't claim to be a fitness expert but I would love to become one and spread the word of ddpyoga. Its not just a workout its a life style. Thanks everyone for reading stay tuned.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fat burner 4-22-12

Tried something new tonight. Did fat burner. I loved it. I'm in the army so push ups get old. But the way fat burner handles them makes u feel great.  DDP is so motivating on the DVD. I love how u can choose what position you wanna modify to make it your own. My arms are feeling it right now and I love it. This program is great. I need to sit down and plan out my workouts so that I am not just pulling from my ass.  I know I can make it my own but I also need it to make sense. Not sure if any of u guys are actually reading this but ill keep going hoping you guys are. I loved fat burner for the pace. It was great. I look forward to doing my DDPYoga everyday. I got to try some new moved tonight other than the ones I've been doing in Energy. I feel so empowered when I come to the end of the workout and I'm sitting in the YRG Warrior Position. It always feels good to be called a warrior. Until next time guys as DDP would say. You better do this tomorrow. So ill listen and you'll hear bout the outcome.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Energy 4-21-12

Ok lemme start off by saying sorry its taken so long for another post. I haven't given up and I didn't stop bc lack of support. Life just comes as you sometimes and you have to deal. I hope you can forgive me. I started out with energy tonight just to get back in the groove of things. I am loving the way my lower back is feeling right now. I am amped as I was when I first started. I am looking forward to kick starting this up once again. I have been talking to friends about this and I hope I can get them to jump on the DDPYOGA bandwagon. Those of you that follow me on twitter (Jason_Young15) saw that I came up with a new word. This word would be BANGTASTIC.  Now with all the DDPYoga Warriors out there I want to see if we can get this to trend on twitter. So the official hashtag will be #BANGTASTIC

Again thanks for all the support and I will follow through more often and not let you down. Until next time make DDPYoga your own and feel the BANG. I hope all of you have BANGTASTIC workouts.

Monday, April 9, 2012

09Apr2012 Wake-up and more

Ok I need to back track a little bit.  I remember when I first recieved my DDPYoga in the mail.  I was pumped.  That night I started reading through the program guide I got 10 pages in and I was in awe.  I said to myself this shit is going to rock.  One of my main insperations has to be Arthur.  He was a disabled Veteran.  This man paved the way for me to be in the service.  Without our Vets I wouldnt be where I am today so to them I say thank you.  I wanted something that could help me recover.  I had a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.  Thankfully no one was hurt or the aircraft wasnt destroyed.  We hit the ground hard.  Ive had back pain ever since.  So I also got it hoping that I could fix some of that.  I talked to DDP on the phone he is one of the nicest most positive badasses I've ever talked to.  His passion for this program blew me away.  I felt his energy through the phone.  Atleast I hope thats what it was and not radiation lol.  I was originally going to start this program in January but due to some unforseen circumstances I wasnt able to.  I found out that MMA fighters use it to recover from the grueling fights they endure.  I found out Chris Jericho used it to assist in making he comeback.  This program has worked for so many to be a fluke.  Now that I am actively doing it I love it.  I feel things in my body.  I love how interactive DDP is with his users.  I dont recall Billy Blanks doing that with Tae Bo.  If I'm wrong feel free to correct me.  I want to eventually use this to help some of our beatdown warriors to help them recover.  I believe this program would be beneficial in the Army.  I am going to bust my ass to learn it and own it that way I can use it to help.  I went through Wake-up this morning.  This is a great tool i can use to get my body ready for morning PT.  And its not like i have to wake up that much earlier than I already do.  Its 10 minutes earlier.  10 minutes and my body is more ready for PT than it normally would have been.  I have not had the pleasure of meeting DDP yet only talking to him through the phone.  Hopefully I can talk to our MWR here at Fort Hood and possibly schedule a workout with the troops.  We are always looking for a new workout.  I know that they had P90X and Insanity workouts in Afghanistan.  I would love to be able to take this and use it next time I deploy.  My plan is to learn this own it and become certified in it and use it to help beatdown warriors here.  This is not something that I can obtain over night that is why i am going to OWN this program but at the same time let it OWN me.  I want to thank MMA Worldwide and Tapout Magazine for retweeted when I post a blog thank you for helping me get this out there more. 

If any of you would like to contact me you can follow me on Twitter @Jason_Young15 , leave a comment on my blog, find me on  I will do my best to respond to each and everyone of you. 

I will be doing another Yoga workout this evening I will post afterwards. 

Even more pumped to feel the BANG!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Energy 08Apr2012

Second workout. I'm feeling it. Wish I could say it was easier. I'm getting the moves better yes but the workout still slammed it to me. I have to admit, I love this program. I feel it in my spine right now and I'm loving it. In the morning I will try wake-up as part of my daily routine. I got a lot of messages of support from the guys on Teamddpyoga. Thank you guys. I know I will be able to achieve success with this program. This is not like any workout I've done. When I go to the gym I'm usually ready to leave the moment I get there. My entire body feels incredible right now. 20 minute workout.  I feel things from my neck to my feet. Not bad things positive things.  I have flashbacks when DDP yells attention.  Ok that's just a joke. I'm in the Army. I'd love to learn and own this and teach a class round here. I totally understand why the athletes use it. Stay tuned for my post of tomorrows workout. Thanks for reading and thanks for the support.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

DDP Yoga Workout 06Apr2012

Alright a little info on me before I start.  I am currently in the Army.  We have high impact PT that is hard on the body.  Lots of running, push-ups, sit-ups, sprints, ETC.   I first started reading about DDP Yoga last December and thinking of using it to help my wife recover from being hit and run over by a car.  Then I read more into it and saw that a lot of MMA stars and wrestlers did it as well.  I looked at it as it would help my wife recover from her accident and also help me to recover from PT.  I recieved my DDP Yoga in March.  It sat there and sat there.  I wanted to do it I just never got around to it.  Finally last night I was sitting in my room and i said you know what lets do this.  First I popped in Diamond Dozen and Energy.  I went through the basic moves and I could feel it just from learning the basics.  I was pumped.  Then it came time to do Energy.  Little feedback.  Beginning workout and a 20 minute workout.  Now again I am in the Army.  DDP's slow burn push ups kicked my ass.  A little humbling.  But motivating.  I was going through the workout and I dont have all the moves down yet but you know what I will get there and I will own it.  20 Minutes later I was sweating my ass off.  Defineatly better than the Army PT I am used to.  I didnt think that a 20 minute workout would be such a good workout.  I cant wait until i get better with this so I can customize my workouts and own them.  I really hope that you follow my progress and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me or check out  To all you guys that are thinking really Yoga.  Guess what just like the tag line.  This is not your Mama's Yoga.  Get the program get ready to OWN YOUR LIFE.  My body is definately feeling the Bang today.  Can't wait for my workout tonight.  Be looking for my to post my 6 profile pictures and a video blog to follow.  Like I said stay tuned!