Tuesday, July 31, 2012

31July2012 Day 2 of My Own 30 Days

The past two days have been a little rough.  I am not letting them get me down though.  Kicking life into high gear.  Can't change what is going on.  Gotta live life.  My Life.  I won't let it get me down.  I really on my resources.  I have some great people who keep me going.  Someone said something to me today that really put me down.  I am not gonna let it though.  I have proven myself time and time again and my peers speak highly of me because I have proven myself.  He is entitled to his opinion.  All I can do is prove him wrong.  I have proven myself all year.  Life has been nothing but an uphill battle this year and I am constantly climbing the hill.  One day I will reach the top.  I am a pretty happy guy.  I won't be truly happy until I know what I was put on this Earth.  I am trying a few things hoping they will lead me to wear I need to be.  People try to bring you down along the way for the simple fact that they don't own and control their life so they try to get people on their level so that they can feel good about themselves.  If I need to be a stepping stone for them then I have no problem being that stepping stone.  The goal of this 30 days is to not only enrich my life but to touch as many people in a positive way as I can.  I want people to look to me for inspiration.  I have people I look to for inspiration.  They help me so that I can help others.  I am unsure of how many people this is actually reaching but I hope between the people that are re tweeting it that it is reaching a lot of people.  I notice new people are re tweeting it everyday.  Again feel free to comment in anyway you feel you need to.  I do ask you to be respectful and intelligent with your rebuttal.  When you resort to name calling and unintelligent babble I will not humor you with a response.  Their is so much positivity in the world to pull from.  Think of the inspiration you can draw from a sick child who has cancer.  Now you can look at all the negative aspects of this.  For the most part I see these children as fighters they always have a smile on their face.  These children are owning their lives they are telling people that they will not let their illness own them.  They are taking and kicking lives ass.  If these young people can take and kick life in the ass then how come an adult cant.  Take and draw inspiration from them.  I try to always look at the positive aspects of life.  Am I always successful?  Of course not.  I try as much as i can to pull away from the negativity and take control of the situation.  Of course there are always things in our life beyond our control.  But you can take and work towards the variable of the problem the part that is not the constant.  The part that is not beyond your control.

DDP Yoga:  First of all I should have wrote about this more yesterday.  I do encourage you to take and look more into this fitness life style that is sweeping the nation.  I urge you to check out DDPYoga.com  Take a few minutes out of your busy day and work towards owning your life and your health.  I kicked it up a little bit.  Diamond Dozen again today again just to stay familiar and Energy.  I love the way I feel during and after this workout.  The sweat produced helps me know that I am doing a good job.  Also the support network put in place with this is amazing.  TeamDDPYoga.com  These are people living the life style just like you.  They are their for motivation.  The creator Diamond Dallas Page is their in the DVDs to motivate you and push you to the end.  He supports your journey as well.  Many athletes have taken to doing this revolutionary program.  Don't only take my word for it.  Again go to DDPYoga.com and take a look for yourself.  Hope I can get more people on board with this lifestyle.

In closing:  I would love for people to comment.  Leave me a tweet leave me and e-mail.  Lemme know what you think or if I can help you in anyway.

Twitter:  @RealJasonYoung
E-mail:  jason.p.young15@gmail.com

I will be their to provide you with motivation or support.  I hope that I have put a little sunshine in your life today.  Just remember their are problems you cant change.  That is life.  There are problems you can change.  That is Owning your Life.

Til Tomorrow,


Monday, July 30, 2012

30July2012 day 1 of My Own 30 Days

Day 1:  This is the most important post.  I have to draw you in and get you interested in reading what i have to say for the next 30 days.  That is a rough task but i am up to the challenge.  Over the next 30 days you will read about my journey with DDPYoga and just life in general.  I will provide this in a positive forum.  I welcome any comments and I hope that you choose to focus on positive aspects as opposed to negativity.  I may rant.  I will do it in a positive way as much as I can.  Anything you would like me to address lemme know.

Fact 1 about me:  I totally hate and despise negativity.  I know it is a natural occurrence in life but i feel people should combat it instead of embracing it.  Negativity consumes to the point that they harm others and destroy lives.  In this day and age people should focus more on owning their life.  They shouldn't let drugs, alcohol, or any other addiction consume them.  Take ownership of you flaws or problems and do what you have to to move on and solve them. 

Day 1 of DDPYoga:  I started out slow today refamiliarized myself with the Diamond Dozen.  It feels great.  I wish I would have kept up with it.  This time I am.  I am going to use it to own part of my life.  I have seen how it helps everyone else and it time for me to let it in and help me.  No more excuses.  Just doing.  Follow my on this Journey.

In closing,  I am going to keep the first one short.  This starts on a day that is special to me a day that I can begin anew.  Today is my birthday.  I am 27 years old.  I am very excited to see where Owning my Life for the next year will take me.  Follow me Im sure hilarity will ensue as well as struggle and and accomplishment.  Thank you for reading see ya tomorrow.


Monday, July 23, 2012

A few things....23July2012

Ok I feel the need to speak out on a few things.  I am by no far an expert or anything just someone with an opinion.  On 05Nov2012 Fort Hood was rocked to its core by a horrific attack by one of its own.  On 20July2012 Aurora Colorado was rocked to its core in one of the most unsuppecting places.  People go to the movies to watch violence not be a victim of it.  This is someone who lost control of his life.  Some one that had to regard for human life.  It may have something to do with the movie it may not the media will twist it so that right now it does but guess what it still didnt stop the movie from making over $160 million this weekend.  It is time we take back our country from these people.  Do not live in fear.  These are fucked up situations yes.  This is a guy that let fear and rage control him.  Let it consume him.  He had a choice.  We live in a world where a soldier can no longer fight a fair war against the enemy in fear of facing jail time.  We live in a world where the United States has lost its way.  It is time we take our country back.  Is this a gun control issue?  NO.  Is this a case where the movie caused him  to go crazy? NO.  This is a case where a guy let fear, rage, and cowardice consume him.  This is a man that took the life of innocent men, children, and women.  Should the media focus on why these kids were out this late.  No that is moot point.  Big movie mommy and daddy wanted to see it no baby sitter kids went.  It is what it is.  I used to work at a movie theater.  I realize they can be dangerous.  I was almost stabbed at mine and on Christmas day people were setting trash cans on fire.  Maybe we shouldnt live in a country where movies come out on Christmas maybe we should live in a country where for one day the theater shuts down so that families can be together and theater employees are not left babysitting kids so mom and dad can go watch a movie.

Why people choose to embrace negativity is beyond me.  Why it is so easy to look at someone and tell them their fuck ups than praise them is beyond me.  I want a world where people embrace the good.  Not the bad.  The praises of professional wrestling go unnoticed.  Why because it is easier for the media to sit there and make fun of it than praise it for what it actually does. A few facts:

- Grants more wishes for Make-A-Wish than anyone else.

-Supports the U.S. Soldiers.

-Goes to school and talks bout bullying with BAStar.

-Helps more kids and donates more to charity than a lot of others.

But no the media wants to bash this entertainment every chance it gets.  Lindsay Lohan is a wreckless alcoholic and drug addict and the media just embraces it.  Why because unfortunately there is money in negativity.  Why do we live in a world where people want to hear more negatives on the news than positives.  Shit down and actually watch the news it is depressing shit.  My friends that know me know I hate and despise negativity.  It isnt good for people.  It can kill.  Negativity can take your life as well as innocent ones. 

The tagline of DDPYoga is Own Your Life... I try to live this everyday no matter what life throws at me i try to deflect it and move on.  In the end that is all you can do.  Do not let any emotion, any event, and person run your life for you.  You run your life yourself.  Make the workout your own.  Make you life your own.  NO MORE SETTLING.  Do not settle for anything less than what you feel you deserve.  Do not let any mountain stand in your way.  The only person stopping you is you.  I have had so many set backs this year.  I try to shake them off and drive on.  Do not settle at a position in a company or in a relationship.  Strive to make it where you want.  Arthur is a prime example.  Doctors told him he was done.  There was no way he was going to walk without assistance again.  He did not settle.  He started the steps to owning his life.  He needed help at first.  DDP helped him literally walk then run in the right direction to OWNING his life.  Use this man as inspiration.  Use this program as motivation.  Use your own determination.  OWN YOUR LIFE!

Life is too short to let people, events, emotions run your life.  You have to grab life beat it into submission and show it you are gonna live your life.  No one can own and control you but you.  Again I welcome all comments.  All opinions.  All I ask is before you post something negative, think about a positive.


Beginning on my birthday July 30.  I will start my OWN 30 days.  30 days of blogs.  Stay tuned.  hope that i help you.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What is OWNING YOUR LIFE? 05July2012

What is owning your life?  Throughout my struggle this year I cant help but keeping this phrase in my head.  I have used it modified it and made it my own.  Here is what it means to mean.  It is taking the worse situation possible and flipping it and finding some good in it.  It is taking a bad day and twisting it and making it a good day.  It is living life to its fullest.  Enjoying every second of everyday.  Not letting one second of your life pass you by.  It is not only the yoga it is a lifestyle.  It is waking up everyday and when life tries to get you down you grab it kick its ass and drive on.  Those of you that follow me on twitter have read my tweets about kicking life's ass. 

For example: "I was walking down the street today and life snuck up behind me.  I kicked that bitch in the nuts and choked him out.  Life is down but im ready for that bitch when he comes back."

In this instance I have taken life and made it an inanimate object.  No you cant physically kick life's ass but you can own it.  Everyday you should strive to live your own life.  Whether you are doing a workout or just doing your job.  Own every aspect of life.  Yes it is hard to keep this up.  You have times when you wanna throw in the tow.  Again those of you who follow me on twitter may have seen a post like this:

"Life is pinning me today.  Ill be ready for it tomorrow"

Yes I do still have my struggles where the mountain of problems i have burry me.  but the next day i get up and conquer the mountain once again.  Your life is no one elses but your own.  Dont let someone else try to own your life you reach out there and own your life.  after all it is your life.

I have not read Positively Page and this may be an exact replica of the book in the event that has happened I do apologize to DDP.  This is just what I have gathered from your phrase "Own Your Life"

The phrase holds so much truer to life than just the DDPYoga workout.  Like i said i dont think it is an exercise program I think it is a lifestyle.  To those of you that read this thank you spread the word.

Be sure to check out:


Those of you that want to follow me on twitter:  @RealJasonYoung

E-mail me: young.jason.p@gmail.com

I am open to talking to anyone.

Thank your for taking the time to read this

Jason Young