Tuesday, August 28, 2012

26 - 28 August 2012 Days 29 - 31 of My Own 30 Days

Demons in a Normal World
OK first lemme point out the obvious this is day 31 of my own 30 days.  When I say demons this comes in a variety of ways.  Demons may be the bottle of alcohol you can not put down.  It could be the bottle of pills you can not stop taking.  It could be the woman that you are having an affair with.  it could be the friend who you thought was your friend but is really stabbing you in the back.  It could be the gun you are staring at while you are plotting your shooting.  There are so many demons in the world today.  We need to learn to combat these demons if we are going to own our life.  Do not let these demons win.  There are addicts, cheaters, deceivers, and just all around a lot of people who have lost total control of their life.  You do not wake up one day and decide to perform a mass shooting if you own your life.  This is not normal behavior.  There have been more shootings in the past month that I really care to comment on.  There have been more tragedies in this country in the past month to comment on.  With America already having a number of enemies and being engaged in war for more than ten years why are we killing each other.  We are all brothers and sisters in this country.  We need to own our lives and own our country.  To the corrupt police officer did you go through all the hard work at the academy with the intention in mind to be a dirty cop?  No I'm pretty certain you did not.  Quit being dirty kick life in the gut and take it back.  To the drug dealer.  Quit letting the drugs and greed poison your mind.  Flush life down the toilet and take your life back.  To the corrupt politician did you fight so hard to get elected to let greed, lust, and deception define your term.  Take back your life so that you can do what you wanted to get elected for.  Fight for the people.  To those of you that disrespect our military.  You do not have to thank us.  We signed up knowing what we were getting into.  Do me a favor though.  Thank our families.  The stress and emotions that our family endure is grueling.  Some of us need to know when to get away from our demons.  This may be a marriage that is completely gone.  Your marriage is your demon.  I am a firm believer that any relationship can work just as long as that is what you both want and you keep other demons out of your relationship.  I am not saying just the other sex.  If alcohol is a demon ruining your marriage do yourself a favor, stop buying it.  You will think clearer and be happier once your body detoxes.  Why is it that I am so adamant about seeing happy news?  I love positivity.  The feeling I get when I see it.  All I see right now are demons running ramp id.  Shootings at least once a week.  Why there is no need for this.  Why is there not more positivity and love in the world?  Some of you may need to remove a friend from your life.  Owning your life is not an easy task.  A lot of people will sit there and think you are crazy.  A lot of people will try to bring you down.  They will constantly say what they can to bring you down and stop your journey on the path to owning your life.  Guess what no other person has control of your emotions except for you.  To the guy waiting to assault the woman in any form.  Stop.  Think about what you are about to do.  There is no need for this you are about to destroy someone in the worse way possible.  In my opinion sex is supposed to be an enjoyable pleasurable act.  Something that relieves stress and potentially brings two people closer together.  Do not be that demon that totally destroys someones life.  To the person contemplating suicide.  You may not have heard it but you are worthy of living.  No problem is worth the untimely end you are about to commit.  You deserve to live.  Do not sit there and take yourself out of the game.  Stand up and tell yourself its time to own your life not end your life.  Get the demons out of your life.  Whether it be drugs, alcohol, sex, or porn.  It could be so many other things.  The guy you look in the face everyday and laugh with may be a demon waiting to destroy your life.  To the person that got pissed off because of someone else.  Do not empower that person to own your life.    To the prisoner that lost his life because he is going to be locked up until he dies.  You can own your life there too.  There is no limit to owning your life.  There is not one instance you can convince me to believe that you can not own your life.  You just have to figure out which path to take so that you can.
In closing the past 30 days have been fun.  I have enjoyed this very much.  The 30 days may be up but you do not live life 30 days at a time.  I will keep going.  I hope that you have learned something.  I hope that I can help you learn in the future.  Find that thing that is the light in a time of darkness.  Get a map and work towards walking down the path you need to own your life.  In time you will run down that path and then wish you would've had a plan.  Do not settle.  Settling is a form of giving up.  Kick life's ass.  Own him make him work for you not the other way around.  Remember gummy bears when you are angry and kick rainbows.  I look forward for you to read more.  I hope you have enjoyed the past month as much as I have.  I hope that you will continue reading.  I hope that I have touched at least one person in a positive word.  Strive to be that person that brightens someones day.  Remember simple not very time consuming actions are what owning your life is about. 
I hope you continue to follow me and read what I have to say.  Thank you for a helluva 30 days.  Let's keep going.
Thank you,

Sunday, August 26, 2012

19 - 25 August 2012 Days 21 - 28 of My Own 30 Days

Gummy Bears in a Time of Negativity
I write these late at night because I am unable to sleep and that is when I can finally sit down and gather my thoughts.  I think all day about what to write about.  I come up with a variety of topics.  I finally settle on a view and more or less they become a jumbled mess but I think I still get my point across.  I like to see the news stories that are going on in the world.  They pop up on my home page and I just sit here in disbelief at what chaos that the world is in.  There have been more shootings in the past month that I really care to think about.  there are too many individuals in this world that are losing control of their life and embracing negativity.  This is many forms of negativity.  Whether it's greed, anger, hatred, lust, jealously etc...  There is the quote "Stop and smell the roses"  I feel this is outdated so I have come up with a new one.  "Stop and eat some gummy bears."  It seems silly.  It is silly.  But stop and think about it for a second.  Can you really be angry when you are eating a gummy bear.  You pull it out of its package away from its gummy siblings and you hold it with two fingers, you squish it, you talk to it telling it how cute it is, and then you decapitate the cute lil guy with your teeth.  I know not everyone eats gummy bears like this but I'm pretty sure that a majority of people do.  I like to think so at least.  If people would stop and settle down and take a good inventory of their life the world would be a much more pleasant place.  To those that feel down about yourself go to the mirror and tell yourself, "I love me.  There is no one like me.  I am one of a kind.  This isn't a bad thing.  If someone does not like me, I will not let that individual upset me.  There is not anything that can make me angry except for me.  I will not let any one else make me angry.  I want to live.  I deserve to live.  I will take this day and kick life in the ass.  I will own my life today and it will be a good day."  I know it is a mouth full.  Make it your own.  To the woman in the abusive relationship guess what it is not your fault you deserve better you deserve a guy that will appreciate you and respect you.  You deserve a guy that will love you.  To the child in the abusive family.  Tell someone.  Do not protect the person that is causing you pain.  Yes they may be your family, but family does not hurt each other.  To the guy sitting there with the gun planning to shoot up something.  Stop these people did not hurt you.  They have families.  Neither the victim nor the families deserve the pain you are about to cause.  Seek help.  There is someone out there that will talk to you.  That will help you with your pain so that you do not cause others pain.  To those angry people eat gummy bears.  To those hurt people eat gummy bears.  To those that are down and need to smile eat gummy bears.  Can I single handily end negativity in the world?  Until I am proven wrong then yes yes I can.  There are many obstacles and walls in this lifetime in addition to life itself.  Find the strength to get past the obstacle.  Find the determination to get past the wall.  You can do it yourself.  If you don't think you can then find the one with the rope to help you over the mountain.  Find that individual with the sledge hammer to help you knock down the wall.  To those with the gummy bears, if you see someone you think needs one share some.  Help bring their day up.  You may be the positive they need to correct their negative.  You never know when you are the one individual that brings someone day up.  I try to help one person a day.  Whether it is making the cashier at the store laugh or helping a random stranger.  The cashier at the store may be having a bad day and I will try to make them life.  I find quotes in random places.  I am sitting here watching Van Wilder and there is a quote that sums a lot of things up and can help you.  "Don't take life to seriously you'll never get out alive."  Yes there are times in life where there is a need to be serious.  Other than those times have fun enjoy life.  I try to kick life in the ass everyday.  I am not always successful but for the most part I am.  I hope that my words will help you.  I hope you will try to put into practice what I say all the time.  If you have a problem hit me up I will try to give you a new way to look at it.
Thanks for reading,

Sunday, August 19, 2012

14-18 August 2012 Days 16 - 20 of My Own 30 Days

I try to keep my post positive and uplifting it is what people need and honestly it is what the world needs.  There are few topics that can not really be spoken about enough.  In the Army they kind of get drilled into us but it really isn't a bad thing at all.  The world is full of problems.  Most will never be solved.  There are certain individuals that reach a breaking point.  They have lost total control of their lives.  They no longer own it they have completely lost it.  People that are on the brink of suicide have totally lost control of everything.  They do not own their life nor do they want to live their life.  There is no light for them.  They do not seek the light.  They do not even care about the light.  There are a multitude of reasons as to why they have reached this point.  You have to sit down and talk with them in depth about why they are at this point in their life.  Another tragedy that is totally unforgivable and devastating is sexual assault.  These people may of owned their lives but someone stepped in and totally ripped their life away from them.  The sheer shock of going through something like this makes it so hard to try to own your life.  I will try to touch on both of these subjects.  Individuals that go through a suicide attempt may have a rebirth a reawakening and decide they want to live their life and own their life.  Some may fall further into the darkness.  Individuals that experience some form of sexual assault have lost total control of their life.  They go through a multitude of emotions and feelings which may lead to suicide.  There is hope for them.  It is a tough and long journey but they can get on the path to owning their life.  If these are touchy subjects for you I do apologize.  This may be one day you want to skip. 


     Most people view suicide as a cowards way out.  Let us face fact though.  Someone that has reached that crossroad in their life has a lot going on in their head or they may have nothing going on in their head.  They are walking down the road and left leads to a dead end and right leads to life.  They choose to take the left.    There are signs of suicide.

Have you heard someone say?

  • Life isn't worth living
  • My family would be better off without me
  • Next time I'll take enough pills to do the job right
  • Take my (prized collection, valuables) - I don't need this stuff anymore
  • I won't be around to deal with that
  • You'll be sorry when I'm gone
  • I won't be in your way much longer
  • I just can't deal with everything -- life's too hard
  • Nobody understands me -- nobody feels the way I do
  • There's nothing I can do to make it better
  • I'd be better off dead
  • I feel like there is no way out
Have you observed?

  • Getting affairs in order (paying off debts, changing a will)
  • Giving away articles of either personal or monetary value
  • Signs of planning a suicide such as obtaining a weapon or writing a suicide note
Again the individual may be going through a number of things such as depression or hard time at home or work.  Do not get confused though.  Someone who is paying off debt is not automatically suicidal just look for some other warning signs.  If you know someone that may be suicidal do not stigmatize them.  Help them.  Get them back on the path to owning their life.  If you are thinking about suicide or you know someone who might be: 

Check out www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org or National Suicide Hot line 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

Sexual Assault

This is one crime that is so totally devastating that it destroys the core of the individual assaulted.  Someone who can do this to some other person has totally lost control of their life and have no regard for human life or decency.  They want to cause someone pain in the worst way possible.  They want to totally destroy and individual.  An individual that experiences this type of horrific tragedy can go through years and years of pain develop PTSD and honestly lose control of their life and spiral out of control.  We as a society should do everything we can to prevent this type of crime from happening.  I feel that someone that commits this type of assault is not worthy of life because they have stolen an individuals life.  If you know someone who has experienced this type of horrific tragedy please help them to seek help.  They may go through a multitude of emotions or actions.  They may become very reckless with their life for the fact that their life has been totally destroyed because of the assault.  This type isn't limited to strangers.  Husbands are doing it to their wives.  Friends are doing it to their friends.  Relatives to each other.  There needs to be more awareness for this.  This needs to be stopped there is not excuse for this type of horrific crime and someone that commits it should be treated as a domestic terrorist and receive the worst possible sentence.  If you know someone who has gone through this I urge you to check out the following:

www.RAINN.org or Hot line 1-800-656-HOPE

RAINN is a great resource.  I encourage you to check out the website and share it with a victim. 

Both of these (Suicide, Sexual Assault) Are 100% preventable.  Do not turn a blind eye to either of these.  These individuals have experienced such a horrific event that they no longer care about their life or want to own their life.  There are ways to get them back on the path to owning their life.  If you feel that you can not provide them with assistance please get them to a qualified professional who can.  The resources I listed are not the only ones out there.  Google is a great resource to find the information you need.   

I do apologize for the serious topics but they are mountains in the path of someone trying to own their life.  We should all work towards owning our life.  The individuals that went through these tragedies have had their life ripped away from them.  Lets help them get it back.  Thank you for reading.


Monday, August 13, 2012

13 August 2012 Day 15 of My Own 30 Days

I really think that if more people paid it forward the world would be a better place.  Yeah I know in theory the whole thing is awesome what it doesn't factor in is the greed factor of people.  I asked each of you to randomly help someone.  Just pay it forward.  Someone at one time has helped you so why not do the same for someone else?  That is one of the problems with today's world.  No one wants to help anyone anymore.  Why?  This country was founded on everybody working together to survive but now its about who has the biggest t.v. the best cellphone the best car.  We should all move away from out materialistic values.  There are children starving in this country.  But yet the couple that is on welfare down the road drives a car with 5,000 dollar rims and a 5,000 dollar stereo set up in the car.  Wait last time I checked you said you were struggling.  I have no car right now.  But you are on government assistance and living it up bit time.  This blog ain't about that.  There are a few issues we need to address. 

  • There are children in this country that are starving.  As Americans taking care of Americans this is unacceptable.  We need this problem solved and quick. 
  • There are children in this country being sold into the sex slave.  This again is unacceptable for a child's innocence to be taken at such a young age for profit.  Slavery was abolished when Lincoln was President
  • America needs to take its jobs back.  Why are we outsourcing to India or where ever.  I am in America.  Thing is unemployment rates are still way higher than they need to be.  We have people employing illegal immigrants that contribute nothing to the country tax wise.  Quit employing these guys and employ to homeless guy, the single parent, the retired Veteran.
What do all these things have in common?  Ironically enough negativity.  How?  America has lost pride in itself.  We are the greatest nation in the world.  The journeys immigrants took to get here and make and build this country are amazing.  Do not let them die in vain.  There was a spark in pride for the nation after September 11 2001.  Why did this end?  We came on real strong real fast.  We have a House of Representatives and a Senate that is made up of greed.  They do not control their lives they do not let the citizens voices be heard.  They let greed win.  Why is it I can serve 8 years in Congress get guaranteed benefits but I have to serve 20 years in the military?  I know nothing changes over night.  Thing is American needs to OWN ITS LIFE before we are no longer the greatest nation in the world.  Figure out a way that everyone has health care.  Instead of taking money from the drug companies so they can advertise their products and get their propaganda out there take that money and apply it towards health care.  We need to start thinking smarter.  Climb out of the whole America has fallen into from 10+ years of war.  I tried to make this as noncontroversial as possible.  If I offended I do apologize.  If the President can sit down with two guys and have a beer summit maybe the world leaders need to sit down and come up with a way we can all get along over a nice cold beer.  Something.  Things need to change.  Politicians and Government officials take your life back from the greed and Own your life for you and for the people who use you as their voice.

Thanks for reading,


10 - 12 August 2012 Days 12 - 14 of My Own 30 Days

So the past couple of days have been uneventful.  Thank goodness.  I have gotten some well deserved and needed rest.  I have sleeping issues.  I have had them for years.  I just kinda embrace it.  Yes some days I wake up frustrated and aggravated but others i just get up and roll with the punches why because that's all you can really do in the end.  I usually use the dead time i cant sleep to write this blog or watch a movie clean my room do laundry something.  So this time that I cant sleep i am actually semi productive during.  I hurt my back during PT on Friday.  I am hoping the ibuprofen I am taking will eventually fix it.  Probably not.  I have been living my life.  Friday was a pretty busy day at work.  i was glad when it came to an end.  Again I didn't do much over the weekend because I just needed to reset and relax.  I am looking forward to the busy week ahead.  If any readers would like for me to touch on a subject just lemme know Id be happy to address it.

I have an opinion on something.  Children with cellphones in school.  When I say children i mean preteens and up.  I think as long as they are not playing on them in school they are a great idea for them to have them.  Why?  Look at every time there has been a shooting at school the kids have been able to get a hold of mom and dad.  If a child is going to stay late or go to a friends house they can call mom and dad.  I think children being able to get a hold of and communicate with their parents is a necessity today.  With the way people snatch children today and the sick people in the world a child having a cell phone just helps to possibly prevent a major problem in the end.

Children having piercings in school (lip, eye brow, nose, tongue)  We live in a world that is accepting piercings more and more.  They are no longer a sign of rebellion but a way to express yourselves.  Why is it they cant where these at school?  they are not distracting nor do they pose a health risk.  As long as it doesn't become outrageous leave them alone.  People come down on kids so hard today.  They are a lot different they are smarter more expressive and just live life to an extent.  Tattoos are no longer frowned upon.  I think schools need to spring forward to modern times all it is are older people in school administration making rules that they have views on.  I really feel like they need a variety of people on the boards that make the rules.  That way they are actually fair. 

I know it wasn't much today and ill probably elaborate more on these two views later.  Just need to get something out there. 

Sorry today wasn't great.  Ill make up for it tomorrow.


Keep reading. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

09 August 2012 Day 11 of My Own 30 Days

Day 11:  Pretty serious.

Find the Light in Dark Times

Everyone goes through a period of darkness in life.  Everyone.  You have the option in how you find the light again.  Unfortunately for a lot of people they sink deeper into the darkness and farther away from the light.  You always have to be looking for the light whether it be a tiny light, a ray of hope, or someone that will carry the lamp while you walk.  The darkness can lead down some dark paths.  They can lead to people doing things they wouldn't normally do.  Suicide, Homicide, Drug abuse, Alcohol abuse, or various forms of Assault.  People who sink into the darkness feels there is no way out it.  Nothing will help.  They feel hopeless and wander around aimlessly because they are blinded.  What they need is a friend, a loved one, a family member, just plain anyone to be that light.  It may start out with just a little help but in the end they need someone to guide them out of the darkness.  They have sunk into a place that they can not get out of themselves.  All hope seems lost.  The world collapses in around them.  They don't know whether to start by going left of right.  Some need to just be given a lamp.  Others who are way further into the darkness need someone to carry the lamp for them for a while.  All of us know someone like this.  Do not ignore them.  They are in a time of need.  You may be the light that they are seeking.  You never know until you try.  You may meet someone and the chance encounter was what they needed to get out of the darkness.  

Picture yourself in a pitch black room.  You are in the middle and all you want to do is find the light switch.  you don't know what is in the room so you walk slowly feeling your way.  You search endlessly for the light never finding it.  You trip over things and move things out of the way but you don't know if you are closer to the light switch or further away.  Eventually you will find the light switch because you are in a room.  But the frustration and confusion you go through trying to find it can make things seem hopeless.

People that let the darkness consume them are in a rough spot in their life.  They are going through multiple real shit situations.  If they would take time.  Stop slow down and figure out what they can change and what they cant then they may be able to find the light.  They just focus on what they cant do.  They embrace the darkness the negativity the hate the anger.  All this leads to some negative situations.  If they would take time to figure out what they could solve then they can slowly work towards the light or at least towards someone that is willing to hold the lamp for them.  

Those holding the lamp have to be just as careful and cautious.  You are taking on walking down their path.  You have to watch for things you can not see since you are sharing the light.  Eventually both of you will come out into a bigger light or you will be able to hand off the lamp.

In closing.  It goes back to what i say everyday.  Do not embrace negativity.  Embrace the light.  Hell even better be the light.  If you think you are sinking into darkness get help.  Talk to someone. Let someone help you with the light or be the light before you are surrounded by darkness.  It doesn't make you weak to ask for help.  It actually makes you stronger.

Until tomorrow.  Stay Positive.  Own Your Life.  Kick Rainbows.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

07-08 August 2012 Days 9 & 10 of My Own 30 Days

As the days pass I can not help but feel I am not fully achieving success in my own 30 days.  I feel somewhat like a hypocrite.  I tell people to reach out and own their life but I have slacked on my DDPYoga.  I do apologize.  I have 20 days left 19 after today.  I will step up the DDPYoga game.  I can see him now.  Hollering at me in a motivating way "Do your DDPYoga Monkey!"  It is so much easier to motivate others sometimes than it is to actually motivate myself.  So I will get my ass into gear and step it up.  I do know that when i was doing it everyday I felt totally awesome.  Kinda like how after I run I am really tired but from sweating out the toxins in my body i feel amazing.  The same holds true for when I did my DDPYoga.  So I am gonna get my ass in gear and work towards fully owning my life. 

So today for PT they went for a run in their body armor.  I do not have any of my armor so I ran with them without it.  My 1Sgt and a MSGT were talking smack and said I should be running around the formation.  I was like roger I'll give you 5 laps.  I did the 5 laps.  Little did I know I was providing the motivation the others needed to finish strong.  I had a lot of people come up and thank me for what I did.  Yes I was not bound by the body armor but the sprinting wore me down.  I didnt give up I pushed myself.  I was glad that me doing that pushed them as well.  Again its a lot easier for me to motivate others than myself sometimes.  I love motivating people.  I like helping people see that they can do things.  Thats part of why I started this blog.  This is new to me so I am sorry that I have not posted one everyday.  I will make every effort to finish the 20 days strong and determined.  If any of you would like to comment please feel free I know I say it every time I post but I am not recieving any feedback.  I get here and there comments so I know its getting read. 

I have learned to be mindful of what you say around people.  I help people to see the brighter side because I will talk about a crappy day have a smile on my face and let them know how and why it does not bother me.  Life is too short to die of worry and stress.  Life gets hard.  Very hard.  Everyone has their own unique situation so yes what I say does not apply to all but I do feel it applies to a majority.  If you want me to write about something or just my opinion on something please feel free to let me know.  Feel free to ask me questions.  I am a nobody.  I am Jason Young.  My words mean nothing.  Will I ever be famous probably not.  Do I want to be famous?  Not really.  What do I want?  To be able to touch peoples lives and help them by seeing you can fix problems but not change life.  I tweet about beating life into submission.  You can not actually hit life.  Why because life is an inanimate object.  What you can do is beat life into submission is a figurative sense.  I urge all of you to try and see the brighter side of things.  Why?  Because life will be a lot better. 

Life is short.  Too short to have hate and regrets.  If you are feeling hate move on from what you hate so that you are not focusing energy on something ultimately you probably can not change.  Do not focus on what you can not chance focus on what you CAN change.  It is hard to do this all the time.  If you live by that principle then you will not be as angry.  I am not a Star Wars nerd but yoda has a quote that puts a lot into perspective.

Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
YODA, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Fear can lead to a lot of negative things.  If you let fear consume your life you literally can end up down a dark road that causes maybe not only suffering for you but family and friends and strangers alike.  If you can overcome fear and anger then you are more likely going to be able to own your life.  These are two hard things to actually overcome though.  No one ever said owning your life would be easy.  In the mean time i do urge you to go to DDPYoga.com and check it out.  I hope you enjoyed todays post and I will post again tomorrow.  Until then kick life in the ass and get it out of the way so you can own your own life.

Thanks for reading,


Monday, August 6, 2012

06August2012 Day 8 of My Own 30 Days

Day 8:  Back to work tomorrow.  Its all good though.  Works means progress right?  I am in the game of trying to bring down people up.  Of bringing people out of their deep dark hole.  I try with all my might.  I feel like I failed if they don't come out.  Can I help everyone?  No I have not had the proper training.  Again it is up to you whether you take my advice or not.  Can not force it on you.  I am not saying live in the way I do.  I am simply stating take control of your life and OWN YOUR life.  It kills me to see people I know making bad decisions.  What can you do though.  Those are their decisions.  They have to live with the consequences of it later. Will I be there to listen and try to help them fix it yes.  People need to sit down and figure out their priorities.  Not everyone does this so they get lost.  Life is too short to be serious all the time.  There is always a time to be serious and a time to play.  I like to thing life is 90% play and 10% serious.  Enjoy life.  Live life.  I ask people to comment.  I ask people to hit me up I'll be glad to talk to them.  I have gotten neither.  So I honestly do not know if I am reaching anyone.  I can only hope.  I hope that I am those reassuring words on a dark day.  I hope that I am that little bit of sunshine during the storm.  People are living life too fast.  Slow down.  I say it probably every day where I live.  Everyone is in a hurry to get no where.  Slow down look out for you and others.  My mind is so clogged with thoughts that this probably will not make a lot of sense.  I hope it does though.  I look at the news on my homepage.  OMG this world is so depressing.  Why do people do what they do.  Why does someone threaten to kill Ellen Page.  Is Juno really a threat to any of us.  I mean come on.  People open your eyes.  Get rid of your hate.  Hate only leads to worse things.  I am not a hippie.  I do not believe in hugging trees and shit like that.  What I do believe is if people would try to think more positive about stuff maybe this world would be better.  Again look at the cancer stricken children with a smile on their face.  I love children.  I wish all of us would keep that child like innocence.  I know some kids have a hell of a time growing up.  It is sad that they do not get to enjoy the benefits of being a child.  Honestly I tell kids and teens all the time quit trying to grow up.  Being an adult is not fun.  Yes there are certain perks to being and adult but honestly i would love to go back to a time where the biggest worry I have is the bonus word on Friday's spelling test.  Children are having sex earlier and earlier.  Come on enjoy your youth.  Things will not change until we all stand up and take a stand.  We are living in the day of a rover landing on Mars and President Obama's opinion of Dark Knight Rises is news.  Come on!  Spread the word of the child sex trade, child hunger, poverty, homeless vets, and just the atrocity that this nation is in.  Do I believe we should all have healthcare yes.  If Canada can do it so can we.  It is time for the greed that is ruling this nation to come to an end.  It is time for the hate that fuels criminals to stop.  It is time for the hurt to stop.  If more people would take back control of their lives we might make it.  So please stand up and take control.  Take care of what we have or one day we will wake up and it will all be gone.  I am sorry that today's post is more of a rant.  Please feel free to comment.  I love life and I know that the World is good.  Can people please start proving it to me.    

Friday, August 3, 2012

02-05 August 2012 Day 4 - 7 of My Own 30 Days

Days 4 - 7 will be combined.  First off.  Yesterday was my last meeting with a man that has been very inspirational and motivational to me.  He is moving on to other things in life.  I just want to say people come along in life and they leave an impression on you.  This man was put into my life about a year ago.  The situation was bad but he always made me feel good.  He could always help me to see maybe things were not as bad as they actually seemed.  God put this man in my life and he has been very helpful through very strenuos and trying times.  I want to thank him for all his help.  With him a lot has been possible that I did not think would be.  Everytime I saw him i left feeling so much better than I went in.  He has left a very lasting impression in my heart and life.  I will never forget him.  I know he will always be there for me even though he will be so far away.  I just want to say again.  Thank you for helping me to believe that anything is possible I just have to combat life and move toward what I want.  I will never forget you.  I looked forward to are meeting every week and I thank your family for allowing you to take your personal time to meet me on some occasions.  You were always there.  There through the good times.  There through the worst.  I thank you.  My mom thanks you.  Thank you for helping me to put my story on paper.  Help me understand the keys players.  I will miss you dearly.  Your new assignment is getting an awesome person.  It warms my heart that you will be sharing your knowledge to help train others.  Thank you for never judging me.  Thank you for helping me find me lost in a cloud of darkness. 

I read a quote one time.  Its simple but the message is so awesome.  If you do not try you will fail 100% of the time.  I can not remember who said it.  It may actually be a combination of a lot of quotes.  But I love it.  I try to embrace it.  Never settle.  Always try.  Do not sit there at the end of the day wondering what could have been.  Life is too short to have regrets.  Live life.  Own Life.  I have got to talk to and meet some amazing people because I tried.  If i would not have taken that first step or had help taking that first step I would have missed out on opportunities.  I do not wish to miss any opportunity.  I want to live as much life as I can in the time we are borrowing.  Our time is not guranteed.  Our time is only borrowed.  Whether you believe there is an afterlife or you are just commited to the ground, do not have any regrets.  Do not lie on your deathbed wishing you could have loved someone more, wishing you would have forgiven and old friend or family member, or wishing you would have tried something but didnt. 

DDPYoga:  With my schedule the past days I have not been able to work this in.  So for two days I have failed to own my life.  Ill admit it.  I have been a failure the past two days.  This is a program that you can make time for.  Dallas Page is very motivational.  He pushes you through the workouts.  He is supportive during the workouts and on TeamDDPYoga.com  I urge you to check out DDPYoga.com as well as TeamDDPYoga.com  The support and inpiration and motivation are always there.  Dont be afraid to reach out and ask for it.  Owning your life is hard.  Not something that will happen over night.  It takes endless work and dedication.

In closing,  Like I said Owning your life is hard.  It takes endless work and dedication.  It takes motivation, inspiration, and dedication.  I use others to obtain this.  I hope that I will be successful in totally owning my life.  Look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.  Please feel free to comment.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

01August2012 Day 3 of My Own 30 Days

I have come to realize most people are ok with embracing negativity and thinking life is out to get them.  This isnt true.  Can we change all aspects of our life?  Simple answer is no.  What you should do though is focus your energy on what you can change.  Do not live a life where your emotions take charge.  You take charge.  Remember no one can hurt you, upset you, or make you angry unless you allow them to.  A lot of people say I am wrong about this.  Think about it for a second though.  If you own you then you own your emotions and not the other way around.  Do not ever surrender to life.  Life is something you can live and beat.  Try to bring that person up.  Do not allow them to bring you down to their level.  It can be hard.  It is a lot easier to fall into the woah is me trap.  Dont do this.  Most of the time even your negative friends get tired of seeing you in the doom and gloom.  Be happy.  Life is so short.  Even if you live to be 110 think about how short that actually is.  Do not have an regrets.  Do everything in life that you want.  Do not let anyone stop you.  Do not let yourself stop you.  The only person that can really hold you back is you.  There are many people in jail or prison or dead.  Why because they let their emotions own their life.  Can you be happy 100% of the time no.  I know this.  I am not asking you to do this.  I am asking you to not focus on things you can not change.  Few facts:

Fact one:  Guy cheats on wife.  Wife is devestated.  Yes you will be hurt.  Do not focus on the part you can not change.  You can not change the fact that it happened.  Unfortunately.  You will hurt.  Do not let the hurt and pain and anger consume you though.  Decide what you are going to do.  If you are going to forgive them work towards forgiveness and the betterment of the relationship.  If is something you can not forget move on to someone who deserves you.  I know this is tough to forget.  What I am asking you is to not let emotion consume you.  Do not let it effect future relationships.  Not all people are the same.

Fact two:  It feels awesome to help people.  I am not saying go out and break yourself financially.  I challenge most of you to take and help one person a day for 30 days.  You will feel incredible.  This can be anything from complimenting the cashier at the gas station to cooking dinner for a sick friend to giving a homeless man a dollar hamburger to talking to an elderly person at retirement home.  It is the little things that get people through on a day to day basis.  The little things will not take any time away from your day.  Help each other.  This country and world was founded on people busting ass while neighbors helped each other bust ass.  We need to get back to busting ass.

Take a 30 minute walk anywhere in your community and you will come across one person that you can help.  Lets get back to our roots.  I may only reach one person a day with this.  But you know what if i have touched one person.  One person that is having a shitty day then I have accomplished something.  People do not realize their happy moods rub off on people as well as their negative moods.  Be the person people want to be.  Be the role model your kids look up to.  Be the person people want to be aroung.

In closing  We need more of this + and less of this -

Thank you for reading.  See you tomorrow.
