Friday, December 28, 2012

Positive Thinking and the End of the World

So the world did not end on December 21.  There was no zombie apocalypse or any other catastrophe.  What should we think of all this.  We should take it all end and treat it as the end of the world as we know it.  What do I mean by all of this?  This year by far has been one of the worst for me.  I have tried to stay as positive as I could.  I have faltered on some days but for the most part I have felt better and feel like I am actually accomplishing things.  I have watched many many news stories of heart ache.  There have been  mutliple mass shootings.  Too many children have died this year at the hands of cowards.  So yes.  Let December 21 be the end of the world.  Let all the horrid things that we have endured this year be put behind us.  Let us look to the future.  2013.  New year.  New world.

We are all here for some special reason.  Stop being a prisoner of your past.  Become the architect of your future.  - Robin Sharma

We all need to quit letting our past run our lives.  Using our past to make excuses for our failure.  Do not let your past own you.  You own your past and your current life.  People let so many factors control and own their life.  There is no reason that not every person should not work towards owning their life.  Is this process easy?  Hell no.  Not at all.  Take time to slow down and determine what is life and what is a problem.  Life can not be changed.  Events happen.  Problems can be solved.  So start out by deteremining what is life and what is a problem.  Each day I try to provide and insperational quote to motivate someone and get them through the day.  It is a quote that deals with normal common everyday things.  I urge them to not just read the quote but to take it in and absorb it and to try and apply it.  If the world as a whole would work to rid itself of negativity the whole world would be a better place.  Will this happen?  Absolutley not.  I am not delusional at all.  I know that this will not happen.  You walk through the world each day.  You come in to contact with so many different people.  Stop to think do I want to be the person to ruin this persons day or do I want to be the person that makes this individuals day.  So many times we here that the main person commiting these mass shootings have been bullied or put down.  You may be the person that steps in and inadvertently stops the individual from commiting the horrific incident.  You may be the person that stops an individual from killing themselves.  You may be the individual that someone needs to talk to.  Sometimes all it takes to help someone is to listen.  There are so many people in this world that all they need is someone to make them smile just once for their day to be better.  It is proven that people who are happier are healthier.  So be happy.  Think positive.  And Own your life. 

In closing let December be the actual end of the world as we know it.  Let 2013 be the year we turn everything around and make it the most memorable year.  A positive year. 


  1. Read my blog. That should prove to you I loved you. You have your flaws and if you could stop making the same mistakes you have been and really love someone like you say you would be almost perfect. I guess you blocked my email. But I wanted to believe you but your actions show different. You could call me and actually talk like adults.
