Thursday, August 9, 2012

09 August 2012 Day 11 of My Own 30 Days

Day 11:  Pretty serious.

Find the Light in Dark Times

Everyone goes through a period of darkness in life.  Everyone.  You have the option in how you find the light again.  Unfortunately for a lot of people they sink deeper into the darkness and farther away from the light.  You always have to be looking for the light whether it be a tiny light, a ray of hope, or someone that will carry the lamp while you walk.  The darkness can lead down some dark paths.  They can lead to people doing things they wouldn't normally do.  Suicide, Homicide, Drug abuse, Alcohol abuse, or various forms of Assault.  People who sink into the darkness feels there is no way out it.  Nothing will help.  They feel hopeless and wander around aimlessly because they are blinded.  What they need is a friend, a loved one, a family member, just plain anyone to be that light.  It may start out with just a little help but in the end they need someone to guide them out of the darkness.  They have sunk into a place that they can not get out of themselves.  All hope seems lost.  The world collapses in around them.  They don't know whether to start by going left of right.  Some need to just be given a lamp.  Others who are way further into the darkness need someone to carry the lamp for them for a while.  All of us know someone like this.  Do not ignore them.  They are in a time of need.  You may be the light that they are seeking.  You never know until you try.  You may meet someone and the chance encounter was what they needed to get out of the darkness.  

Picture yourself in a pitch black room.  You are in the middle and all you want to do is find the light switch.  you don't know what is in the room so you walk slowly feeling your way.  You search endlessly for the light never finding it.  You trip over things and move things out of the way but you don't know if you are closer to the light switch or further away.  Eventually you will find the light switch because you are in a room.  But the frustration and confusion you go through trying to find it can make things seem hopeless.

People that let the darkness consume them are in a rough spot in their life.  They are going through multiple real shit situations.  If they would take time.  Stop slow down and figure out what they can change and what they cant then they may be able to find the light.  They just focus on what they cant do.  They embrace the darkness the negativity the hate the anger.  All this leads to some negative situations.  If they would take time to figure out what they could solve then they can slowly work towards the light or at least towards someone that is willing to hold the lamp for them.  

Those holding the lamp have to be just as careful and cautious.  You are taking on walking down their path.  You have to watch for things you can not see since you are sharing the light.  Eventually both of you will come out into a bigger light or you will be able to hand off the lamp.

In closing.  It goes back to what i say everyday.  Do not embrace negativity.  Embrace the light.  Hell even better be the light.  If you think you are sinking into darkness get help.  Talk to someone. Let someone help you with the light or be the light before you are surrounded by darkness.  It doesn't make you weak to ask for help.  It actually makes you stronger.

Until tomorrow.  Stay Positive.  Own Your Life.  Kick Rainbows.


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