Monday, August 13, 2012

13 August 2012 Day 15 of My Own 30 Days

I really think that if more people paid it forward the world would be a better place.  Yeah I know in theory the whole thing is awesome what it doesn't factor in is the greed factor of people.  I asked each of you to randomly help someone.  Just pay it forward.  Someone at one time has helped you so why not do the same for someone else?  That is one of the problems with today's world.  No one wants to help anyone anymore.  Why?  This country was founded on everybody working together to survive but now its about who has the biggest t.v. the best cellphone the best car.  We should all move away from out materialistic values.  There are children starving in this country.  But yet the couple that is on welfare down the road drives a car with 5,000 dollar rims and a 5,000 dollar stereo set up in the car.  Wait last time I checked you said you were struggling.  I have no car right now.  But you are on government assistance and living it up bit time.  This blog ain't about that.  There are a few issues we need to address. 

  • There are children in this country that are starving.  As Americans taking care of Americans this is unacceptable.  We need this problem solved and quick. 
  • There are children in this country being sold into the sex slave.  This again is unacceptable for a child's innocence to be taken at such a young age for profit.  Slavery was abolished when Lincoln was President
  • America needs to take its jobs back.  Why are we outsourcing to India or where ever.  I am in America.  Thing is unemployment rates are still way higher than they need to be.  We have people employing illegal immigrants that contribute nothing to the country tax wise.  Quit employing these guys and employ to homeless guy, the single parent, the retired Veteran.
What do all these things have in common?  Ironically enough negativity.  How?  America has lost pride in itself.  We are the greatest nation in the world.  The journeys immigrants took to get here and make and build this country are amazing.  Do not let them die in vain.  There was a spark in pride for the nation after September 11 2001.  Why did this end?  We came on real strong real fast.  We have a House of Representatives and a Senate that is made up of greed.  They do not control their lives they do not let the citizens voices be heard.  They let greed win.  Why is it I can serve 8 years in Congress get guaranteed benefits but I have to serve 20 years in the military?  I know nothing changes over night.  Thing is American needs to OWN ITS LIFE before we are no longer the greatest nation in the world.  Figure out a way that everyone has health care.  Instead of taking money from the drug companies so they can advertise their products and get their propaganda out there take that money and apply it towards health care.  We need to start thinking smarter.  Climb out of the whole America has fallen into from 10+ years of war.  I tried to make this as noncontroversial as possible.  If I offended I do apologize.  If the President can sit down with two guys and have a beer summit maybe the world leaders need to sit down and come up with a way we can all get along over a nice cold beer.  Something.  Things need to change.  Politicians and Government officials take your life back from the greed and Own your life for you and for the people who use you as their voice.

Thanks for reading,


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