Sunday, August 26, 2012

19 - 25 August 2012 Days 21 - 28 of My Own 30 Days

Gummy Bears in a Time of Negativity
I write these late at night because I am unable to sleep and that is when I can finally sit down and gather my thoughts.  I think all day about what to write about.  I come up with a variety of topics.  I finally settle on a view and more or less they become a jumbled mess but I think I still get my point across.  I like to see the news stories that are going on in the world.  They pop up on my home page and I just sit here in disbelief at what chaos that the world is in.  There have been more shootings in the past month that I really care to think about.  there are too many individuals in this world that are losing control of their life and embracing negativity.  This is many forms of negativity.  Whether it's greed, anger, hatred, lust, jealously etc...  There is the quote "Stop and smell the roses"  I feel this is outdated so I have come up with a new one.  "Stop and eat some gummy bears."  It seems silly.  It is silly.  But stop and think about it for a second.  Can you really be angry when you are eating a gummy bear.  You pull it out of its package away from its gummy siblings and you hold it with two fingers, you squish it, you talk to it telling it how cute it is, and then you decapitate the cute lil guy with your teeth.  I know not everyone eats gummy bears like this but I'm pretty sure that a majority of people do.  I like to think so at least.  If people would stop and settle down and take a good inventory of their life the world would be a much more pleasant place.  To those that feel down about yourself go to the mirror and tell yourself, "I love me.  There is no one like me.  I am one of a kind.  This isn't a bad thing.  If someone does not like me, I will not let that individual upset me.  There is not anything that can make me angry except for me.  I will not let any one else make me angry.  I want to live.  I deserve to live.  I will take this day and kick life in the ass.  I will own my life today and it will be a good day."  I know it is a mouth full.  Make it your own.  To the woman in the abusive relationship guess what it is not your fault you deserve better you deserve a guy that will appreciate you and respect you.  You deserve a guy that will love you.  To the child in the abusive family.  Tell someone.  Do not protect the person that is causing you pain.  Yes they may be your family, but family does not hurt each other.  To the guy sitting there with the gun planning to shoot up something.  Stop these people did not hurt you.  They have families.  Neither the victim nor the families deserve the pain you are about to cause.  Seek help.  There is someone out there that will talk to you.  That will help you with your pain so that you do not cause others pain.  To those angry people eat gummy bears.  To those hurt people eat gummy bears.  To those that are down and need to smile eat gummy bears.  Can I single handily end negativity in the world?  Until I am proven wrong then yes yes I can.  There are many obstacles and walls in this lifetime in addition to life itself.  Find the strength to get past the obstacle.  Find the determination to get past the wall.  You can do it yourself.  If you don't think you can then find the one with the rope to help you over the mountain.  Find that individual with the sledge hammer to help you knock down the wall.  To those with the gummy bears, if you see someone you think needs one share some.  Help bring their day up.  You may be the positive they need to correct their negative.  You never know when you are the one individual that brings someone day up.  I try to help one person a day.  Whether it is making the cashier at the store laugh or helping a random stranger.  The cashier at the store may be having a bad day and I will try to make them life.  I find quotes in random places.  I am sitting here watching Van Wilder and there is a quote that sums a lot of things up and can help you.  "Don't take life to seriously you'll never get out alive."  Yes there are times in life where there is a need to be serious.  Other than those times have fun enjoy life.  I try to kick life in the ass everyday.  I am not always successful but for the most part I am.  I hope that my words will help you.  I hope you will try to put into practice what I say all the time.  If you have a problem hit me up I will try to give you a new way to look at it.
Thanks for reading,

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