Monday, August 13, 2012

10 - 12 August 2012 Days 12 - 14 of My Own 30 Days

So the past couple of days have been uneventful.  Thank goodness.  I have gotten some well deserved and needed rest.  I have sleeping issues.  I have had them for years.  I just kinda embrace it.  Yes some days I wake up frustrated and aggravated but others i just get up and roll with the punches why because that's all you can really do in the end.  I usually use the dead time i cant sleep to write this blog or watch a movie clean my room do laundry something.  So this time that I cant sleep i am actually semi productive during.  I hurt my back during PT on Friday.  I am hoping the ibuprofen I am taking will eventually fix it.  Probably not.  I have been living my life.  Friday was a pretty busy day at work.  i was glad when it came to an end.  Again I didn't do much over the weekend because I just needed to reset and relax.  I am looking forward to the busy week ahead.  If any readers would like for me to touch on a subject just lemme know Id be happy to address it.

I have an opinion on something.  Children with cellphones in school.  When I say children i mean preteens and up.  I think as long as they are not playing on them in school they are a great idea for them to have them.  Why?  Look at every time there has been a shooting at school the kids have been able to get a hold of mom and dad.  If a child is going to stay late or go to a friends house they can call mom and dad.  I think children being able to get a hold of and communicate with their parents is a necessity today.  With the way people snatch children today and the sick people in the world a child having a cell phone just helps to possibly prevent a major problem in the end.

Children having piercings in school (lip, eye brow, nose, tongue)  We live in a world that is accepting piercings more and more.  They are no longer a sign of rebellion but a way to express yourselves.  Why is it they cant where these at school?  they are not distracting nor do they pose a health risk.  As long as it doesn't become outrageous leave them alone.  People come down on kids so hard today.  They are a lot different they are smarter more expressive and just live life to an extent.  Tattoos are no longer frowned upon.  I think schools need to spring forward to modern times all it is are older people in school administration making rules that they have views on.  I really feel like they need a variety of people on the boards that make the rules.  That way they are actually fair. 

I know it wasn't much today and ill probably elaborate more on these two views later.  Just need to get something out there. 

Sorry today wasn't great.  Ill make up for it tomorrow.


Keep reading. 

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